Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fame is your generations black plague

Last night I watched Palo Alto, after your recommendation to, and it was utterly perfect. The way it portrays our generation is so real and accurate. I mean I feel like her almost always – lost and partially invisible – the only part about the movie I didn’t like was the ending. I mean it just felt like a movie that needed to end in a slightly more emotional way, sadder. Maybe I’m just over-thinking this.  

After watching the movie I researched Emma Roberts, she was always my inspiration when I was younger but I had completely forgotten, and saw the movie Adult World. I then decided to watch that. Ah it was also so amazing.
That is where I got the title of my post “Fame is your generations black plague” and it just made so much sense. I mean so many of us just want fame and glory but what is the truth behind that you know?

Anyway I don’t feel like any of what I just wrote made any sense but then again nothing ever does to me.
I am writing my English literature paper tomorrow on the Great Gatsby and The Crucible and of course a million poems. I just wish we weren’t allowed to study for this paper and that we were able to interpret it in our own way and what we think are the meaning behind all the metaphors and what nots.

My obsession with music is just growing stronger every single day. Okay let me just be honest I have always been like this but it has become so bad! I mean during my exam I get all excited and think “my oh my I can’t wait to be done so I can listen to some music.” 


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