Monday, July 1, 2013

street art and inspiration

So there is this movie, well documentary, that I just watched and it has changed my life.

Ok well let me firstly just tell you about my day so you can understand why the documentary had such a huge impact on me: I woke up this morning at about 10am (I hate waking up later than 9am, cause it just feels like half of your day is gone) wearing the same clothes I was wearing the whole of yesterday. I made my way through my messy room, telling myself I’d clean it later this afternoon (which I never did). I then head to the kitchen to find that we had no cereal so I grabbed an apple and went to the tv only to see that it wasn’t working so from there I obviously opted for the internet and spend about three hours doing nothing productive other than writing a new post for our blog, “intelligence”.  I then had some lunch in front of the tv (which was now working) and spent quite some time watching ftv and the more I watched the harder it became for me to get up and do something. And then I realised it was suppertime after that I head to my room and went on twitter, which I hardly ever do, and read these two posts: “I want to do more than exist” and “there’s a 90% chance that at this very moment you are waiting for something that will never happen.” So feeling bleak as ever I decided to watch a movie but only the thing that I had left to watch was a boring documentary by the name, EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP, little did I know this was the answer to everything. 

So it’s about street art but so much more I can’t even explain it that’s why I’m not even going to try I’m just going to recommend to you and whoever else happens to read this to go and watch it.

I will however tell you what I took from it: basically just that you need to find something that interests you and become passionate about it, pour your heart and soul into whatever it is and you will without a doubt benefit.

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