Tuesday, July 16, 2013


It's wednesday tomorrow. we're half way through this week already. It's so scary and lovely at the same time. For your information there is exactly 96 school days left till the end of the year. How exciting? but alas we must not fret on the future we must live for the present. today in my one lesson i sat and thought to myself... what if i go through life and i have never been in love? never experienced that feeling where someone else can make you feel as though you're floating up above on the clouds? where you want to spend every waking second with that person? when someone can mean so much to you, that you could sacrifice anything for that one person. Yes i love all my friends and family and i guess you could say that i am in love with them but see its not on that same romantic level. I've never been in love and what if i die and i still have never been in love. i know there is a lot of time. i have a mid-year resolution. i have decided to ,whenever we go out to a restaurant for pizza, to order a new combo every time. seeing as yolo has become more of a life moto i may as well stick with it. x bellie-bun

1 comment:

  1. this is so weird cause i actually watched this movie the other day, PAPER HEARTS, and while i was watching it i thought about exactly what you just said. I actually can't deal with how interlinked our thoughts are.
