Sunday, January 26, 2014


Yesterday I went to my first open day. I went to Vega ( school of brand leadership). It was how can say informative. I learnt that 1) I will definitely not get in because you need a very good mathematics mark and we all know thats not me. 2) There are only 15-30 people in a class. 

Now that may all sound very fabulous but I'm not really one for very up close and personal relationships with your lecturers. And there being so little in the class it is inevitable. Therefore I can firmly say I am getting somewhere with my process of elimination for study options next year. ( Vega not being an option) 

So that was my very productive saturday. 

Today I decided to go for breakfast at Nü, a new restaurant just up the road, I can easily say they have become my favourite restaurant. So if ever in Cape Town I would highly recommend it. 

Well it's off to the beach for me, well after I finish my Homework... 

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