Saturday, December 7, 2013

You've been so good to me

We woke up rather early. 
Let's not say what time it was. 

We decided to make omelettes but according to my brother ( that's me, bellie's, brother). We had to make it "his" way which he claimed to have more of an "airy, softness" 
It was honestly not so different to a normal one but nonetheless omelette is omelette. 

So off we went to visit a friend in Constantia. She offered us ginger ale and slightly under baked carrot cake. As if we hadn't eaten enough already we stopped at Charly's Bakery. Neither of us had ever been before, it felt so glamorous. 

We then got dropped off at Clifton 4th. We swam in the ice-cold water and went rock exploring, wishing we could be out on one of the yachts that were anchored in the bay. 
We then walked to the 2nd beach and decided to swim again. Seeing as we were just dropped off we of course didn't have any form of a towel on us. At first we would allow the sun to dry us but then suddenly we got an urge to lie on the sand. We buried ourselves in the sand and felt so young again. 
It was beyond perfect. 

It started getting late and we had to return home to help pack our picnic( which was going to be back on Clifton again ) so we began our journey and started walking home. 
On our way back we stopped for a drink at the Ambassador hotel. We lazed around on the pool deck until we thought that it was maybe time we actually get back. 

We had about 10 minutes to get ready before we went off to the beach again. 
It was the perfect evening for a picnic. Everything was so calm. There was a wedding celebration as well as people singing and little children playing in the sand. As the sun started to set deep conversations about the world started to erupt and everything felt so meaningful and right. 

I don't think this day could have been any better. 

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