Sunday, May 25, 2014

Someones calling?

I wrote my National Benchmark tests yesterday. How awful? They were horrific to say the least. We were at the University form 7h00 until 16h00 with only one 20 minute break. Straight after the NBT though Maxine, my parents and I went to "farm sit" my uncle's farm in Grabouw. I thought this would be a great experience seeing as we ( Bun and I )  want to house sit in december instead of going to Plett rage. I will seriously have to think long and hard about it, because it was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. 

Everything was going so well. We made dinner and the fire was crackling in the fireplace and it wasn't really that dark yet. Even their parrot Ulrich was talking to us. At round about 8h00 it was pitch black and the wind had started up. Not just any wind though a howling wind of easily about 40kph as well as that rain that sort of smacks you in the face if you were to stand outside. The electricity kept on shorting so the lights were doing that typical horror movie thing where it flickers and then zoink it goes off. 

We all decided to stay in the kitchen where the dogs were all sleeping and the fire was in the ktichen. They have two huge ridgebacks which I suppose are great guard dogs but it really doesn't help if they're fast asleep. I couldn't handle the tension anymore so Max and I went to bed. Just to quickly inform you though: none of their doors can lock, they have a room under the house which no one has been in for years and one whole side of the house is glass. 


This was at exactly 01h20, surely we could have just waited it out, I mean all darkness turns into light eventually. But alas we grabbed our stuff and "evacuated" the farm within minutes. To be honest I have never been so glad to see city lights before in my life as well as my own bed of course. 

So that was my very eventful and traumatic saturday night. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I know afrikaburn was not quite what you wanted it to be but I hope the dancing, foam truck fun and let me not forget the beautiful stranger hug still made you as happy as it made me.

I thought a bit more about the burns and I came to the following conclusions:    

  • Anything in life can be taken away in a flash and that's just the way it is so when you find something spectacular you have to make the most of it. Don't take things for granted.  
  • Though the burns are incredibly sad there is a sort of hope that comes with the heat of the flames. With the burning of one artwork we are making way for another. Everything is temporary so don't get to attached.  
  • Instead of being stuck in the sadness of losing something great we need to let it inspire us to create.  

A week ago I was lying on your stomach with tears in my eyes because I knew that it would all end soon. I wished we could be closer all the time to make this battle a we call life a little easier. But now I see the beauty in the distance, if we were together we would have never created this blog and well I love this documentation of our experiences and I know I'll love it even more looking back one day.  

beautiful bella