Saturday, November 30, 2013


(v.) to dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment.

eeeeek like its finally dawned on me that within 5 DAYS belliebun will be reunited and we will be annoying the hell out of everyone with our crazy noises, way of walking and giggles but mostly our baltering hahaha
ahh its litterally all I can think about like my brain cant even function properly anymore. I NEED ME SOME BELLIE TIME.

(bun to bellie)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

its the morning and its sunny

okay so we have this dog, Sunny, who loves jumping, he jumps all day, its like his favourite thing. I just never get around to taking a photo but this morning i finally did and i got some great shots:

(bun to bellie)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Eminem. Eminem. Eminem IS COMING TO SOUTH AFRICA 

I've decided there is no way we can miss this concert. Can you imagine listening to 'real slim shady' live. And his new song berzerk. 

So start saving up. 

This is a completely pointless post but I had to share my excitement somehow. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

About time

I watched this movie 'About Time' about two evenings ago and yes it was one of those films.  Those films that make you step back and realize the small things and obviously leave you completely emotionally drained. It was such a great movie! 

I haven't really been to the cinema lately because well it's so expensive and there hasn't been a movie that I really want to see. 

See the only reason why I went to watch this movie was because my friend had dragged me along. So I went into the cinema not knowing anything about what I'm about to watch ( you know usually you know at least one of the actors) but that's most probably why it had such an impact on me. 

So I'm not going to tell you anything about the movie. Just do yourself a favor and go watch it. 
( doesn't this remind you of a scene from The Notebook) 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

It's almost the end?

This week is going to be the longest week of my life. Simple because I know that on Friday it's the start of the vacation. No more school! Well at least for four weeks or however long the holidays are. 

I thought I'm not going to complain about my exam and just hope for the best, I mean what else can I do. 

I was procrastinating the other day and discovered my camera. My brother and I decided to have a photoshoot. 
It's quite scary how you can see the similarities. 

There's also a song I really want you to listen to because it's all that got me the through the long hours of studying.
Peer Kusiv - Jack 


Saturday, November 9, 2013

procrastination at its best

Okay so as usual I failed to get any studying done I did however manage to make this video of videos of us HAHA so here it is, I hope you like it.

(bun to bellie)

some beautiful words

Teacher Mia Travels